The Beauty Hub Clinic is proud to offer the all new Cellulite Reduction treament, the simple, non-invasive way to visibly reduce your cellulite.
The 3D Lipo’s method of cellulite reduction requires Radio Frequency and accoustic wave therapy. It is designed to achieve visible results in as little as 6 to 8 treatments. Procedure time is about 45 minutes depending on the area treated. Cellulite affects around 90% of women of all ages. This can make women feel very self-conscious and uncomfortable. Even with the strictest of diets, trying to get rid of those stubborn fatty deposits can be very frustrating.
Cellulite is caused by fat cells pushing against your skin, which are too large to flow through your fibres. Bad circulation doesn’t help but with a combination of accoustic wave therapy followed by radio frequency this helps increase the blood flow. Cellulite reduction treatment is designed to reduce and break down fat cells, which leave the body via the lymphatic system and improving the appearance of cellulite.
Best for Stubborn pockets of fat and cellulite.
Tech explained
3D-shockwave works by stimulating the fat breakdown, collagen synthesis, and lymphatic drainage. 3D-shockwave is delivered by placing a probe up against the areas of cellulite, as it passes over the area is emits radial waves through the skin.
How this tech works
For cellulite, sound waves stimulate the microcirculation within the fat layer, increasing the metabolic function of the area and increasing cellular membrane permeability. Free fatty acids and glycerol are released from the fat cells and sit in the intercellular space. Lymphatic movement and increased blood supply remove these waste products from the body.
For skin tightening, sound waves stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation within the area. They also stimulate the connective tissue and septa mobility, giving the skin a firmer tone and reducing the dimples within the skin.
What areas can be improved with 3D-shockwave?
3D-shockwave can be performed on many areas of the body including the outer and inner thighs, knees, arms, hips, buttocks, and stomach
How many treatments are recommended?
A course of treatment is typically 8 – 10 individual 30 minute sessions.
What results can I expect from this treatment?
Results are seen as quickly as 2 weeks after starting the course. If you exercise and increase your water intake you may see even better results. 90% of women who took part in a clinical study would recommend this treatment. Our experienced therapists will be able to tailor an individual shockwave treatment plan to meet your desired goal.
Can I combine 3D-shockwave with other treatments?
Many people who undergo 3D-shockwave choose to combine it with other procedures. We would advise that you speak with one of our therapists prior to the commencement of 3D-shockwave to discuss your previous treatments and also your treatment goals.
What will I experience during treatment?
The treatment itself is quite noisy, making a loud knocking sound. 3D-shockwave is a comfortable treatment and feels like a tapotement massage.
3D-Radio Frequency
3D-Body RF
Best for Skin tightening, smoothing of fine lines and wrinkles, reducing the appearance of cellulite.
Tech explained
3D-Body RF penetrates the skin layers to selectively heat the skin tissue and the extra cellular matrix where the collagen fibres are embedded. The local heating of the area being treated causes an immediate contraction of the collagen fibres, and at the same time increases the metabolism of the fibroblastin order to accelerate production of new collagen fibres and elastin fibres to create a smoother, healthier and younger looking skin.
How this tech works
3D-Body RF technology is a fantastic treatment for both skin tightening and cellulite reduction. The 3D-Body RF energy selectively increases the temperature of the fat cells, by doing so simultaneously in deep and superficial layers of fat. This increases the metabolism and release of liquid fat from fat cells. Normal cells can support 60 degrees but fat cells start to be melted at 41 degrees. After the treatment and release of liquid fat, the fat cells shrink in size, and skin is restored closer to its original form, reducing or eliminating the appearance of cellulite.
What areas can be improved with 3D-Body RF?
Areas on the body with loose skin and cellulite. Common treatment areas include ‘bingo wings’ lower abdomen, and back of thighs.
How many treatments are recommended?
A course of treatment is typically 8 – 10 individual 45 minute sessions.
What results can I expect from this treatment?
Results can be seen as soon as after your first treatment, however a course of treatments are recommended as results are further improved after each treatment.
Can I combine 3D-Body RF with other treatments?
Many people who have 3D-Body RF choose to combine it with other procedures. Typically, this treatment can be combined with 3D-cavitation, to devise a treatment course to target fat removal, cellulite and skin tightening for an all-round package. However, 3D-Body RF can be performed as a standalone course depending on personal targets. We would advise that you speak with one of our therapists prior to the commencement of 3D-Body RF to discuss your treatment goals.
What will I experience during treatment?
3D-Body RF is a relaxing treatment. First of all, an ultrasound gel will be placed onto the skin, this acts as a conductor for the 3D-Body RF energy. A handpiece with metal probes will be placed onto the skin and moved in gentle circular motions around the skin. You will hear a slight beeping noise coming from the machine, the handpiece will get warmer and warmer, building heat until it reaches 40 degrees. Your therapist will use an infrared thermometer to measure the heat of the skin. Once temperature has built up to 40 degrees, your therapist will continue to maintain the heat, continuing treatment on the area for 2 – 4 minutes, before moving onto the next area.
Best for Pockets of stubborn Fat, Body Sculpting, Targeted Fat Removal
Tech explained
3D-HIFU is the latest technology used to target specific focused areas of fat in the fastest possible treatment time. This technology works by delivering focused energy at a depth of 1.3cm and 8mm to destroy fat cells. The high frequency of the ultrasound wave results in heating under the skin, effectively destroying the fat cells and tightening the skin in the area treated. The damaged cells are flushed away via a natural removal process through the lymphatic system that continues for up to 3 months.
How this tech works
The HIFU handpiece delivers focussed ultrasound waves to a precise depth to cause Necrosis of the fat cell. The controlled movement of the handpiece results in a grid of treated fat cells. The high frequency of the ultrasound wave, results in rapid heating of the focal zone at 1.3cm and 8mm under the skin leaving the skins surface unaffected. However this energy increases in temperature as it gets deeper within the skin due to the energy of the HIFU causing cellular friction. Exposing the fat cell to this high temperature causes rapid cell death (necrosis).
What areas can be improved with 3D-HIFU body?
This treatment is great for busting those unwanted stubborn pockets of fat. Recommended areas for treatment are typically: abdomen, flanks, hips, thighs and buttocks
How many treatments are recommended?
A single treatment per area is recommended.
What results can I expect from this treatment?
Results can be seen from 2 – 4 months post treatment. The average reduction of the treatment area after just one single session is typically 2 – 4cm.
Can I combine 3D-HIFU body with other treatments?
3D-HIFU body is best for targeting stubborn pockets of fat, however if you wish to have more of an overall fat reduction treatment your therapist may recommend combining your 3D-HIFU body treatment as part of a treatment course incorporating other technologies for a more complete fat reduction treatment. The beauty of 3D-lipo is that each technology can be combined to enable you to target your needs and devise a specific and bespoke treatment plan for you ensuring maximum results.
What will I experience during treatment?
A handpiece will be placed on the skin, this is the handpiece used to target focussed energy to the fat cells. The handpiece is placed on the area of treatment and held there for approximately 2 minutes, this will be repeated 3 times per treatment area. During treatment, you may feel the warmth of the handpiece, and it some cases it may get slightly hot and uncomfortable. You may also feel a slight vibration and tingling sensation, although this is completely normal.
Best for Overall fat reduction
Tech explained
Cavitation is a natural phenomenon based on low frequency ultrasound. The ultrasound produces a strong wave of pressure to fat cell membranes. A fat cell cannot with stand this pressure and therefore disintegrates into a liquid state.
What happens to the released fat?
During the 3D-cavitation treatment, the membranes of the fat cells are disrupted. The fat cell content, primarily comprised of triglycerides, is dispersed into the fluid between the cells and then transported through the vascular and lymphatic systems to the liver. The liver makes no distinction between fat coming from the 3D-cavitation treatment and fat originating from consumed food. Both are processed by the body’s natural mechanisms.
What areas can be improved with 3D-cavitation?
3D-cavitation is best for treating larger areas of fat such as the abdomen, thighs and ‘muffin top.
How many treatments are recommended?
A course of 6-8 treatments are recommended to achieve optimum results although your therapist will advise the best treatment plan for you
What Results Can I Expect from this treatment?
Results can be seen from treatment one, with an average loss of 2-4cm per treatment. Results will be improved during each treatment.
Can I combine 3D-cavitation with other treatments?
Yes, 3D-cavitation can often be combined with other treatments depending on what you are looking to achieve. A therapist will devise a tailored treatment program which may incorporate the addition of other technologies.
What will I experience during treatment?
The size of the treatment area determines the duration of the session. During treatment, a handheld device delivering ultrasound energy gently glides over the marked area. The majority of treated patients consistently report a painless and comfortable experience.

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